Content Marketing for SEO: Practical Guide for Startups and Ecommerces

Content Marketing for SEO: Practical Guide for Startups and Ecommerces

Content marketing and SEO go hand-in-hand, forming the backbone of a successful online presence. However, for resource-strapped startups and ecommerces, creating and implementing an effective content marketing strategy can seem daunting. 

At Arbi Click, we understand these challenges and have helped numerous startups and ecommerces achieve SEO success through smart content marketing. This practical guide will show you how to maximize your limited resources for optimal results.

Understanding the Content-SEO Connection


Why is SEO and content marketing a perfect pair? Content marketing is very powerful in making your target audience look and stay longer on your website. In turn, the search engine will think it is justifiable to rank your website higher.

Another important point is backlink; backlink is created when another website is citing your content. When this happens, the search engine will also think that everyone else may want to refer to your site too; therefore increasing its rank.

Also, do you know that search engine optimization dislike inactive websites? To put into perspective, when you visit a website that hasn’t been updated for a year, it feels like wasting your time and you should have visited somewhere else. Well the search engine thinks similarly too.

In addition, rich-content websites also provide an opportunity for long-tail keywords. This is especially useful when you’re trying to target specific needs or answers to the customer’s mind. For example, this article highlights “Search Engine Optimization Expert” as the long-tail keyword.

Now let’s start with the step-by-step practical guide for improving your content marketing game and optimizing your SEO (no pun intended). This will be a very quick dense because we will pack everything at once.


1. Set Realistic Goals

  • As a resource-strapped start-up or ecommerce, it’s very important to set achievable goals as your first move. Here’s how you set your ambitious, yet achievable goals:
  • – Define your target audience
  • – Identify key performance indicators (KPIs) such as organic traffic growth, keyword rankings, or conversions
  • – Set specific, measurable goals for a 3-6 month period

At Arbi Click, one of the methods we do is defining SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals that are tailored to our client’s unique situations.


2. Research Keywords on Budgets

Yes, we know that keywords are often the digital marketing budget sink. However, effective keywords might not be as expensive as you thought with a thorough research. Here’s some basics of keyword research:

  • – Use free tools like Google Keyword Planner and Google Trends
  • – Analyze competitor keywords using free versions of tools like Ubersuggest or AnswerThePublic
  • – Focus on long-tail keywords, which are often less competitive and more conversion-oriented

Our favorite pro tip as an ecommerce digital marketing agency: Look for keywords with high search volume and low competition for quick wins.


3. Create High-Quality Contents

We have said it and we will say it again: quality trumps quantity in content marketing. Here’s how to create impactful content efficiently:

  • – Repurpose existing content (e.g., turn a blog post into an infographic or video)
  • – Focus on evergreen content that remains relevant over time
  • – Use user-generated content, such as customer reviews or testimonials
  • – Leverage employee expertise for industry insights

Remember, authenticity resonates with audiences and search engines alike. For example, you can refer to this article.


4. Optimize Content for SEO

This part is often skipped, or forgotten. Not all contents are optimized for search engines and it is bad. Some of the optimization checkpoints that you need to look out for your contents:

  • – Include target keywords in titles, headers, and throughout the content naturally
  • – Optimize meta descriptions and alt text for images
  • – Ensure your content is mobile-friendly and loads quickly
  • – Use internal linking to connect related content pieces

Feels like a chore? Well don’t worry, as an expert ecommerce digital marketing agency, Arbi Click always has your back when you need one. You can even try our free optimization check-up today.

5. Measure and Analyze Result

It is fun to work on digital marketing campaigns, but everything needs to be measurable. This way we can track the effectiveness of your SEO and Google Ads campaign. Here’s some free tools that you can use to check your track:

  • – Google Analytics for traffic and user behavior data
  • – Google Search Console for search performance insights
  • – Free SEO tools like Screaming Frog (limited version) for technical SEO audits

Regularly analyze this data to refine your strategy and focus on what works best for your startup. How about paid tools? Actually, by collaborating with Arbi Click, you will gain access not only to the paid tools that we use but also a reliable business partner in one go.

6. Stay Consistent and Patient

We all want quick wins. But remember, SEO and content marketing are long-term strategies. Stay consistent in your efforts and you will be rewarded in time. So keep doing those:

  • – Create a content calendar to maintain regular posting
  • – Set aside dedicated time each week for content creation and optimization

Why are SEO and content marketing long-term strategies again? According to our experience, the results could take 3-6 months before your startup or ecommerce will become noticeable by both search engines and larger target audiences. 

7. Leverage AI and Automation

  • AI and automation are new tools to be utilized. Use them right and they will become a very strong digital marketing assistant. The problem is, not everyone knows how to utilize them the right way. Some of our favorite tips:
  • – Prompt for the big ideas and outlines for contents, sharpen the details
  • – Create content posting schedule for social media, then distribute them on schedule 
  • – When you’re doing email marketing, make relevant scenarios and triggers
  • Your friendly ecommerce digital marketing agency pro tip: Always review and personalize the output to maintain quality and authenticity. In fact, this article is written with the help of AI and backed with our expertise, pretty neat isn’t it?

8. Focus on Your Unique Value Proposition

As a startup or ecommerce business, your unique value proposition is your biggest asset. They are your key differences and your innovative problem solver, but not everyone knows about it. Which is why, it is very crucial to:

  • – Share your company’s journey, achievements, and milestones
  • – Create behind-the-scenes content to humanize your brand
  • – Highlight your innovative approaches or solutions

As cheesy as you may think, when implemented correctly those types of contents not only engage your audience but also attract backlinks, community support, and media attention. Which is a win for everyone.

9. Optimize for Local SEO

Your local market is often your strong asset to utilize. Despite your online presence, it is always nice to be recognized in your local area. Check out those things and ensure everything is up and running:

  • – Claim and optimize your Business in Google listing
  • – Encourage customer reviews on Google and other platforms
  • – Create location-specific content and landing pages

Local SEO tends to be the toughest nut to crack when you’re out there operating from the other side of the world. On that occasion, it is very advisable to work with an ecommerce digital marketing agency that has strong knowledge of your targeted local market; for instance, Arbi Click.

Digital Ads Agency

At Arbi Click, we specialize in helping startups and ecommerce business like yours navigate the complexities of digital marketing. We understand your unique challenges and provide tailored strategies that maximize your limited resources for optimal SEO results.

Remember, effective content marketing is about providing value to your audience while strategically optimizing for search engines. It’s a balancing act that, when done right, can significantly boost your startup’s online visibility and growth.

Don’t let limited resources hold you back from achieving SEO success. With the right approach and a bit of creativity, your startup and ecommerce can compete with larger companies in the search engine rankings. 

Contact Arbi Click today for a free consultation and discover how we can help your startup harness the power of content marketing for SEO success. Together, we’ll create a strategy that not only improves your search engine rankings but also establishes your startup as a thought leader in your industry.

also read: 5 Reasons You Should Hire a Digital Marketing Agency Now!